Progressive securities scoring service and portfolio tracker
Portfolios summary
Explore investment
Create and track your
Be aware of important
events and news
Save your time searching for information
Make informed decisions based on full set of analytics
Portfolios and analytics
Accounting and control of your investments. Just add stocks and bonds transactions, your income is calculated automatically. Keep track of your portfolio and explore detailed analytics.
Quick start. Import all your transactions and add new deals in a few clicks.

Full control over the portfolio. Monitor the profitability of your securities, explore charts, estimate profits and commissions. Now all money is under your control.
Make your portfolio public. Just choose what you want to show to others, share your successes.
News and updates
Stockwayup news provides articles from reputable news sources such as: CNBC, Zacks, Bloomberg, The Motley Fool, Fox Business, The Street, and others.
Each news item has a sentiment. This can be positive, negative, or neutral. This is particularly useful for easy sentiment analysis.
Each news item has topics. This is particularly useful for easy search by keywords, category, company ticker, industry.
The most relevant and exhaustive news is always at hand.
Calendar and events

All the most important events in a comfortable format in one place. Calendar customization for your interests.
Individual calendar for each portfolio and a common calendar to keep track of all events at the same time.
Comfortable tracking of dividends, coupons, reports.
Securities and analytics

Current stock price with real-time updates
History of price changes over time
Events which caused price changes
Company valuation: undervalued or overvalued
Real share price and fair value
Future company growth, earnings and revenue growth forecasts

Company profit and revenue Information
Financial position analysis, balance sheet
Debt history and analysis
Dividends and growth of payments analysis
Team information, board members

Stock Screener

Stock screener can help you to find securities by different parameters. Filters and quick addition of stocks to the portfolio.
Plans and Pricing
for early users- Unlimited portfolios
- Unlimited watch list
- Stocks screener
- Dividends and reports calendar
per month- Even more features